I have watched Aarona. Hovind would wipe him up.
Aaronra wont debate Hovind.
All Hovind wants is the debate to be conducted as it would in high school or college each side being given so
much time to make their statements. Each side makes a rebuttal.
And each side gets to video and profit from the videos.
I know Hovind would love to debate Aaronra.
Aaronra said on your video that he would not debate Hovind. Minute 131 of his statement. You should watch the videos you post before you post such damning information about your position.
Also he said before that that he would not debate Hovind in a professional manner. He wants Hovind to be the side show. He says that in the first minute. He wants to humiliate Hovind not debate him.
If you don't post or understand the videos you post on behalf of your position. I have a hard time believing you watched all of Hovinds videos.